Garden Studio

Wise living means: taking all things as important as possible, but none completely seriously.
– Arthur Schnitzler

WE <3 Hering(bone)

The style of Viennese Modernism is known above all for the reintegration of art into everyday life. New materials, such as glass, ceramics or textiles, increasingly found their way into arts and crafts at this time, resulting in new approaches to interior design.

The general architectural style of this period is mainly oriented towards decorative design possibilities, floral and ornamental or geometric patterns set the tone here, especially in the interior. When planning our holiday apartment “Illusionist” we were inspired by this period of history as well as the creativity of the artists of that time and their understanding of design.

In order to do justice to the claim of a total work of art under this premise, it comes to a thoroughly composed compromise solution of a contemporary furnishing, which corresponds to the current achievements of technology, and a homage to the founders of this special design language.


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